Feeding Chia Seeds to Horses

chia seeds for your horse

I sort of forgot one of my favorite topics in the “C”s so I am going back just to add this post about Chia seeds. Then on ward to the “E”s !! Most horse owners understand that fresh grass is … Continue reading



What Does It Do?

B6 is essential for energy production, nervous system activity and for blood production.

B6 is actually three compounds, phosphorylation, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine (PALP) which are found in various enzyme systems for their functions in the equine body.

Although research has been very extensive, the multiple functions of vitamin B6 through PALP are still not yet fully understood; but over fifty enzymes are  known which depend on it.

Nutritional Requirements:

Many factors such as age, performance, and protein uptake effects a horses’ need for vitamin B6.  Although deficiency symptoms have not been identified, all the evidence suggests that the amount of vitamin B6 in feeds may not be sufficient for optimum performance at any age.

Active horses appear to require a minimum dietary level of B6 greater than 2.5 mg/kg. The aim should be a supplement of about 3 mg per kg of feed which therefore supplies an active, performance horse with 30 mg/day, a resting adult with 18 mg/day, mares and stallions with 12 mg/day and foals and yearlings with 3 to10 mg/day.

Where Does My Horse Get It?

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